- Cronología
- Ca. 1771 - 1773
- Ubicación
- Chapel of la Virgen de la Fuente, Muel (Zaragoza), Spain
- Dimensiones
- 250 x 300 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Óleo sobre muro
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Attributed work
- Titular
- Muel Town Council
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 06 Oct 2010 / 13 Jun 2023
See Saint Ambrose.
The representation of Saint Jerome that we see here follows a completely different model to that used for the set of paintings located in Calatayud. The saint is depicted seated, almost side-on but with his face turned towards the viewer. He is dressed in pontifical robes with cope, miter and a crosier which he holds in his right hand while in his left he is holding a book with the help of a small angel. Behind him on the left-hand side of the composition, we can just make out the façade of a building (a pavilion) in the classical style topped with a triangular pediment. Apart from the differences detailed above, the artist also omitted the lion depicted lying at the saint's feet in the painting in Calatayud.
This pendentive occupies the corner of the Epistle side furthest from the main altar.
See Saint Ambrose.
The painting was restored in 1958 by the Spanish Service for the Defence of National Artistic Heritage (Servicio de Defensa del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional) and in 1996–97 by the company Arte y Ciencia, S.L.
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