- Cronología
- Ca. 1798 - 1800
- Ubicación
- Musée des Beaux- Arts et d’ Archéologie de Besançon, Besançon, France
- Dimensiones
- 32 x 47 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Óleo sobre madera
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Titular
- Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie de Besançon
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 12 May 2010 / 15 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (896.1.177)
- Otros títulos:
Cannibals (Caníbales)
I Have Partaken of It (Yo he comido de ello)
Cannibals with Human Remains (Caníbales con restos humanos)
The Bodies of the Jesuits Brebeuf and Lallemant Mutilated by the Iroquois (Los cadáveres de los jesuitas Brebeuf y Lallemant mutilados por los iroqueses)
Both this work and its companion piece, Cannibals Preparing their Victims, belonged to the painter Jean François Gigoux (Besançon, 1806-Besançon, 1894), who bequeathed them to the Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie in his home town.
A cannibal sitting astride a rock holds up a human hand and a man's head like a pair of trophies. On the ground we can see more human remains, which the artist has drawn our attention to by means of energetic red brushstrokes. Meanwhile, other cannibals sat in front of and behind the central figure look on. The scene is set in a natural, rocky landscape, with the branch of a tree emerging from the darkness on the right-hand side.
Goya has painted the figures on that side of the central figure in an undefined manner, like some kind of living mass, from which no individual person clearly emerges. The faces of the figures are depicted in more detail but their features are primitive, almost simian in appearance. It is likely that the painter's intention was to highlight the barbarism of certain human actions, in this case the practice of cannibalism.
This work can be related to some of the prints in the Disasters of War series of etchings, such as no. 39, Great deeds! With dead bodies!, in which corpses and dismembered bodies have been hung from the branches of a tree.
For more information, see Cannibals Preparing their Victims.
Peintures de Goya des collections de FranceMusée de l’OrangerieParís1938cat. 15
GoyaMinistry of Foreing AffairsBurdeos1951organized by the Bordeaux City Hall, consultant editor Gilberte Martin-Méry. From May 16th to June 30th 1951cat. 26
GoyaPrado National MuseumMadrid1951July 1951cat. 10
De Tiépolo à GoyaGalerie des Beaux-ArtsBurdeos1956consultant editor Gilberte Martin-Méry. From May 7th to July 31st 1956cat. 120
GoyaMusée Jacquemart-AndréParís1961consultant editor Jean-Gabriel Domergue. From December 1961 to February 1962cat. 75
Goya and his timesThe Royal Academy of ArtsLondon1963cat. 66cat. 104
GoyaKoninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen MauritshuisThe Hauge1970organized by Ministerio de Estado y Asuntos Culturales and Réunion des Musées Nationaux, July 4th to September 13th 1970. Exhibited also at the Musée de l’Orangerie des Tuileries, Paris, October 25th to December 7th 1970, consultant editors Jeannine Baticle and A. B. de Vriescat. 24
Goya. El Capricho y la Invención. Cuadros de gabinete, bocetos y miniaturasMuseo Nacional del PradoMadrid1993from November 18th 1993 to February 15th 1994. Exhibited also at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, March 18th to June 12th 1994 and The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, July 16th to October 16th 1994, consultant editors Manuela B. Mena Marqués and Juliet Wilson-Bareaucat. 83
Goya: Prophet der ModerneAlte NationalgalerieBerlin2005from July 13th to October 3th 2005. Exhibitied also at the Kunsthistorischemuseum, Vienna, October 18th 2005 to January 8th 2006, consultant editor Manuela B. Mena Marquéscat. 33
Goya en tiempos de guerraMuseo Nacional del PradoMadrid2008consultant editor Manuela B. Mena Marqués, from April 14th to July 13th 2008cat. 25
Agen2019cat. 12
GoyaBasle2021p. 155
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 263, cat. 923
BarcelonaPolígrafa1970vol. I, pp. 322 y 323, cat. 476
L’opera pittorica completa di GoyaBibliography']['numberMilanRizzoli1974p. 117, cat. 409
Goya. El capricho y la invención. Cuadros de gabinete, bocetos y miniaturasBibliography']['numberMadridMuseo del Prado1993pp. 288, 289, 290 y 291 (il.), cat. 83
Los mundos de Goya (1746-1828)Bibliography']['numberBarcelonaLunwerg2008il. p. 246