- Cronología
- 1815 - 1819
- Dimensiones
- 242 x 356 mm
- Técnica y soporte
- Aguafuerte, aguatinta bruñida y lavis
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 22 Aug 2021 / 05 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- -
See Femenine folly.
There is a state proof before aquatint in the Albertina Museum, Vienna. The state proof with the burnished aquatint and lavis in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has the number 7 manuscript in the upper right corner, plus Clear folly centred in the lower margin.
A soldier in French uniform falls with a crash into an abyss in the lower left corner of the composition after dismounting from his horse, while two friars look on in horror at the spectacle. On the right, a religious man or preacher, excited, addresses his harangue to two people kneeling on his left. He opens his arms with outstretched index fingers pointing in opposite directions to the light and to the precipice into which the soldier falls. Behind him, men hold a wide curtain in acrobatic poses. A mass of rain falls obliquely from the upper left corner. The stage on which the group of figures is arranged and the awning give the picture a scenographic value that is enhanced by the candle-lighting.
In the state of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the horseman falling into the abyss does not appear. Instead, a beam of lightning or fire emerges from him. Therein may lie the key to the meaning of the print, as the clergyman would point to heaven and hell, salvation and damnation. Goya would make an attack on religious fanaticism and the verbiage of preachers and ecclesiastical orators. In fact, the focus is on the preacher, as his fanaticism deforms his own face and his hands are illuminated. The fact that a French soldier falls into hell is related to the post-war atmosphere. The acrobats have also been seen as an allusion to the liberals, as they would support each other in lifting the veil that shrounds society in darkness and ignorance.
The preparatory drawing for the present print, also entitled Clear folly, is preserved.
GoyaMusée Jacquemart-AndréParís1961consultant editor Jean-Gabriel Domergue. From December 1961 to February 1962
Etchings by Francosco GoyaJohannesburgoJohannesburgo1974
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Goya en tiempos de guerraMuseo Nacional del PradoMadrid2008consultant editor Manuela B. Mena Marqués, from April 14th to July 13th 2008cat. 182
Goya luces y sombrasCaixaForumBarcelona2012consultant editors José Manuel Matilla and Manuela B. Marqués. From March 16th to June 24th 2012cat. 77
Goya et la modernitéPinacothèque de ParisParís2013from October 11st 2013 to March 16th 2014cat. 215
Goya: Order and disorderMuseum of Fine ArtsBoston2014cat. 176
OxfordBruno Cassirer1964pp. 397-398, cat. 262
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ParísPinacoteca de París2013p. 274
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ZaragozaGobierno de Aragón y Fundación Bancaria Ibercaja2017p. 221