- Cronología
- 1815 - 1819
- Ubicación
- The Prado National Museum. Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 235 x 334 mm
- Técnica y soporte
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Titular
- El Prado National Museum
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 21 Aug 2021 / 13 Apr 2023
- Inventario
- D4375
19 (in composite pencil, lower left)
8 (in pencil, reverse, upper left)
1 (in pencil, reverse, centre)
185 (in pencil, reverse, top centre)
185 (in pencil, reverse, bottom centre)
Watermark: "MANUEL SERRA" (left half)
The drawing was inherited in 1828 by Javier Goya, the painter's son, and in 1854 by Mariano Goya y Goicoechea, the artist's grandson. It was subsequently owned by Valentín Carderera (ca. 1861) and Mariano Carderera (ca. 1880). In 1886 it was acquired from Mariano Carderera by the Directorate General of Public Instruction and was assigned to the Prado Museum, where it entered on 12 November 1886.
Preparatory drawing for Female folly
There are certain differences with the final print. This drawing is executed with greater vigour and features small touches that create the details of the dresses and physiognomies. In addition, the group of six women in the print here is reduced to four. A depersonalised crowd stands next to it. Only an old woman's head stands out, with a malignant appearance, very much in the style of the celestinas in the Capriches. The flying wigwams and the donkey do not yet appear. The muppet in the blanket is already present, but it is barely distinguishable among the energetic brushstrokes.
The spatial reference is more precise than in the print, as the scene takes place in a cave-like interior with a semi-circular opening. The floor is full of chiaroscuro, which gives it a certain relief.
Goya. Exposition de l’oeuvre gravé, de peintures, de tapisseries et de cent dix dessins du Musée duBibliothèque nationale de FranceParís1935
El arte de GoyaMuseo de Arte Occidental de TokioTokyo1971from 16th 1971 to January 23th 1972. Exhibited also at the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, January 29th to March 15th 1972.
1976p. 21, fig. 10
Los dibujos de GoyaMuseo Provincial de ZaragozaZaragoza1978exhibition organized by Museo Provincial de Zaragoza, Ministerio de Cultura and Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, exhibition guide written by Miguel Beltrán Lloris and Micaela Pérez Sáenz. October 1978cat. 117
Permanencia de la memoria, cartones para tapiz y dibujos de GoyaMuseo de ZaragozaZaragoza1997organized by Gobierno de Aragón, Museo Nacional del Prado and Patrimonio Nacional, consultant editor Fernando Checa Cremades. From February 14th to April 6th 1997cat. 43
GoyaGalleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica di Palazzo BarberiniRoma2000consultant editors Lorenza Mochi Onori and Claudio Strinati. From March 18th to June 18th 2000
BarcelonaInstituto Amatller de Arte Hispánico1951pp. 70-72
Los dibujos de Goya, 2 vols.Bibliography']['numberMadridAmigos del Museo del Prado1954cat. 382
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 325, cat. 1572
Dibujos de Goya, 2 volsBibliography']['numberBarcelonaNoguer1975p. 432, cat. 290
El mundo de Goya en sus dibujosBibliography']['numberMadridUrbión1979pp. 324-326
Roma Edizioni de Luca2000p. 112-113, cat. 33
MadridFundación Amigos del Museo del Prado2001p. 98 y 100, il. 38
- Bibliography']['number