- Cronología
- Ca. 1815
- Dimensiones
- 77 x 60 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Oil on canvas
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Attributed work
- Titular
- Private collection
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 19 Apr 2010 / 16 Jun 2023
Some writers claim that this work could be a reduced-size replica of the official portrait, made by the painter for the duke's personal collection. The work was later in the collection of the Marquis of La Torrecilla, in Madrid, and then in that of the Marquis of Santa Cruz, also in Madrid, who was a descendant of the sitter.
The reduction, considered by some scholars to be an autograph work by Goya, reproduces all of the details of the original work exactly, albeit without achieving the masterful execution of the first portrait. The shapes are less defined, and the facial features are not captured as gracefully. The fundamental compositional difference between the original and the reduction, however, lies in the relationship between the figure and the surrounding space, since this painting is of a wider format and the duke appears somewhat isolated in the vastness of the unfurnished, objectless room in which he is depicted. The inscription that appears in the first version is also missing from this work.
Goya 1900Ministerio de Instrucción Pública and Bellas ArtesMadrid1900consultant editors Aureliano de Beruete, Alejandro Ferrant, Marqués de Pidal and Ricardo Velázquez. May 1900cat. 49
Exposición histórico-artística del Centenario del Dos de MayoMuseo Arqueológico NacionalMadrid1908cat. 3641
L'œuvre peint de Goya. 4 volsBibliography']['numberParís1928-1950vol. II, p. 200, cat. 489
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 297, cat. 1544
BarcelonaPolígrafa1970vol. I, p. 362, cat. 636
L’opera pittorica completa di GoyaBibliography']['numberMilanRizzoli1974p. 129, cat. 591
Francisco de Goya, 4 vols.Bibliography']['numberZaragozaCaja de Ahorros de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja1980-1982vol. IV, p. 38