- Cronología
- Ca. 1794 - 1795
- Ubicación
- Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, España, Madrid, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 171 x 101 mm
- Técnica y soporte
- Aguada de tinta china sobre papel
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Titular
- National Library of Spain
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 09 Mar 2011 / 29 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (DIB/15/8/38/2)
- Otros títulos:
Mujer joven lavándose en la fuente
¿Una casta Susana?
Susana y los viejos
Joven bañándose en una fuente mirada por un galán oculto detrás de una estatua
COLECCION DEL Sº. Dº. V. CARDERERA / ADQUIRIDA POR EL GOBIERNO EN 1867 (wet stamp, lower right-hand corner).
See Young woman with forehead wearing a small hat.
Line of provenance: Javier Goya, Mariano Goya, Valentín Carderera, National Library of Madrid.
See Young woman with forehead wearing a small hat.
Image of a nude woman seated on her back, who appears to be coming out of the bathroom.
It has several planes, which is atypical for this album, as in the background there are two figures hidden behind what appears to be a piece of wall or foliage, observing the young woman, which is why some believe it to be the biblical theme of Susanna and the Old Men.
Gassier does not accept the hypothesis that the figure on the left is a statue on the grounds that the inclined position of their heads and the lively eyes with which they look at the young woman are not consistent with this.
On the front of the sheet os the drawing The Duchess of Alba with her hair tied back.
Grabados y dibujos de Goya en la Biblioteca NacionalBiblioteca NacionalMadrid1946catalogue Elena Páez Ríoscat.158
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, 1746-1828: restrospectiveMusée Jacquemart-AndréParís1961cat.155
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Goya: Zeichnungen und DruckgraphikStädtische Galerie im Städelschen KunstintitutFrankfurt1981from February 13th to April 5th 1981cat. L4a
Ydioma universal: Goya en la Biblioteca NacionalBiblioteca NacionalMadrid1996from September 19th to December 15th 1996cat. 112B
Reason and Folly: The Prints of Francisco GoyaNationall Gallery of VictoriaMelbourne1998fig. 19
Goya: Prophet der ModerneAlte NationalgalerieBerlin2005from July 13th to October 3th 2005. Exhibitied also at the Kunsthistorischemuseum, Vienna, October 18th 2005 to January 8th 2006, consultant editor Manuela B. Mena Marquéscat. 40
Goya: Order and disorderMuseum of Fine ArtsBoston2014cat. 58
Madrid2019cat. 235
Goya’s Caprichos. Beauty, Reason and CaricatureBibliography']['numberNueva JerseyPrinceton University Press1953vol. II, fig. 8
Eight Books of Drawings by GoyaThe Burlington MagazineBibliography']['numberLondon1964p. 24, cat. d
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 171, cat. 359
Dibujos de Goya: Los álbumesBibliography']['numberBarcelonaNoguer1973p. 41, cat. A.d [4]
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La duquesa de Alba, «musa» de Goya. El mito y la historiaBibliography']['numberMadridEdiciones el Viso, Museo Nacional del Prado2006pp. 138, 140
Goya: Order & DisorderBibliography']['numberBostonMuseum of Fine Arts Boston Publications2014p. 126
MadridMuseo Nacional del Prado2019p. 347