- Cronología
- Ca. 1796 - 1797
- Ubicación
- The Prado National Museum. Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 200 x 150 mm
- Técnica y soporte
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Titular
- El Prado National Museum
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 22 Jul 2014 / 22 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (D. 3920)
5 (in pencil; recto, lower left-hand corner)
Se aberguenza de q.e su Madre le able en publico, y le dice, perdone Vm pr Dios (in pencil; recto, along lower centre).
28 (in pencil; reverse, upper part)
Watermark: H.C. Wend & Zoonen [Large shield with helmet and letters "H -- C / W" inside].
On the gestation, history and aims of the series known as Dreams, a set of preparatory drawings for The Caprices, see Dream 1: Universal Language.
Line of provenance of the present drawing: Javier Goya; Mariano Goya, 1854; Valentín Carderera, ca. 1861; Mariano Carderera, 1880; Prado Museum, 1886.
Scene inspired by a composition from Notebook B . Old woman begging alms from a woman (B.6). And used as a preparatory drawing for the etching of Caprice no. 16. God forgive her: And it was her mother.
Elaborately executed in pen, it is completed with washes that help to concentrate the light on the important points, the young woman's face and torso and the old woman's back. It depicts a girl, perhaps a prostitute, but with her arrogant youth and beauty she is ashamed at the sight of her destitute, elderly mother.
The composition is identical in both the preparatory drawing and the print.
The drawing shows the imprint of the foil print, left by the pressure of the press during the intaglio process on the 218 x 153 mm copper plate, pencil strokes on the reverse and vertical stippling.
Goya. Drawings, Etchings and LithographsGoya. DrawingsLondon1954from June 12th to July 25th 1954p. 4, cat. 16
Los dibujos de GoyaMuseo Provincial de ZaragozaZaragoza1978exhibition organized by Museo Provincial de Zaragoza, Ministerio de Cultura and Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, exhibition guide written by Miguel Beltrán Lloris and Micaela Pérez Sáenz. October 1978p. 26, cat. 18
Goya. La década de Los CaprichosMadrid1992organized by Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando sponsored by Fundación Central Hispano, Madrid, consultant editor Nigel Glendinnig. From October 26th 1992 to January 10th 1993p.125, cat. 74
Permanencia de la memoria, cartones para tapiz y dibujos de GoyaMuseo de ZaragozaZaragoza1997organized by Gobierno de Aragón, Museo Nacional del Prado and Patrimonio Nacional, consultant editor Fernando Checa Cremades. From February 14th to April 6th 1997p. 170, cat. 42
Goya: images of womenNational Gallery of ArtWashington2002
Madrid2019cat. 244
Roma D.Anderson: Editeur1908p. 20, n. 16
Los Caprichos de Goya y sus dibujos preparatoriosBibliography']['numberBarcelonaInstituto Amatller de Arte Hispánico1949pp. 75-76
Goya’s Caprichos. Beauty, Reason and CaricatureBibliography']['numberNueva JerseyPrinceton University Press1953p. 192, fig. 116
MadridMuseo del Prado1954n. 9
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 178, cat. 484
Dibujos de Goya, 2 volsBibliography']['numberBarcelonaNoguer1975p. 97, cat. 60
Los Caprichos de Goyacol. Serie punto y líneaBibliography']['numberBarcelonaGustavo Gili1977p. 64
MadridReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando1992pp. 125-126
MadridReal Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando1992p. 170
El libro de los caprichos: dos siglos de interpretaciones (1799-1999). Catálogo de los dibujos, pruebas de estado, láminas de cobre y estampas de la primera ediciónBibliography']['numberMadridMuseo Nacional del Prado1999p. 125
MadridMuseo Nacional del Prado2019p. 359
- Bibliography']['number