- Cronología
- Ca. 1771 - 1773
- Ubicación
- Museo Goya. Colección Ibercaja, Zaragoza, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 37 x 30 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Oil mural painting transferred to canvas
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Attributed work
- Titular
- Ibercaja Collection
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 07 Oct 2010 / 13 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (2309)
This painting was acquired by the Cuban Carlos Francisco Javier del Valle Grao, who removed his paintings from the museum in 1932 and took them with him to La Habana in Cuba. The Cuban government seized the work along with two others from the series, Saint Joachim (San Joaquín) and Saint Vincent Ferrer (San Vicente Ferrer) in 1965. According to its owner, it then travelled to Russia, and was subsequently acquired by unknown means by a private collection in Miami. It was finally bought by Ibercaja in 1999 in an auction at the Dorotheum auction house in Vienna.
For further information see The Dream of Saint Joseph.
According to a written description by Ricardo del Arco (1915), this painting was located on the front wall of the oratory along with Saint Joachim, the two compositions flanking the sides of a niche which held a sculpture.
Its inclusion in the iconography of the oratory is explained by the fact it is the traditional iconographic pairing of Saint Joachim.
Saint Anne is shown in three-quarter pose facing towards the viewer's left in a kneeling position against a dark, neutral background lightened only by the rays of light which emanate from the upper left-hand corner of the painting. Her face, brightly illuminated by the light, is framed by a scarf in yellow ochre. She also wears a red tunic and dark green cloak, the reverse of the colour scheme used in the depiction of Saint Joachim. She is leaning on a staff which she holds in her left hand. Above her head is a black divine halo.
As in the case of the other three small format paintings, this work is characterized by energetic, sketchy brushstrokes which are somewhat careless but extremely expressive and lend the figures an impressive sense of volume through the use of light and colour.
For further information see The Dream of Saint Joseph.
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