- Cronología
- 1814 - 1815
- Ubicación
- The Prado National Museum. Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 208 x 142.5 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Oil on canvas
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Undisputed work
- Titular
- El Prado National Museum
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 15 Apr 2010 / 16 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (P00735)
The person or organization responsible for commissioning Goya to paint this work remains unknown. It belonged to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, which sent it to the Museum of La Trinidad in 1871. It has been the property of the Prado Museum since 1872.
For the subject's face in this portrait, Goya used the sketch that he made in 1808 and which he would make use of for all of his portraits of this king, which is why the face is always the same and is always at the same angle.
The monarch is shown posing in his red ermine-lined gold-edged robes. In his right hand he holds his baton, whilst his left hand holds open the robe. Across his chest is the sash of the Order of Charles III and the emblem of the Order of the Golden Fleece hangs around his neck.
Margarita Moreno is of the opinion that, unlike the excellent portrait of Ferdinand VII at a camp, this is an inferior portrait, and it is difficult to recognise Goya's style in the profusion of confused brushstrokes we see here, which fail to achieve the brilliant effect that we are used to seeing in the artist's work.
For further biographical information, see Ferdinand VII.
GoyaPalacio de PedralbesBarcelona1977from April 12th to June 30th 1977cat. 44
Goya. Das Zeitalter der Revolucionen. Kunst um 1800 (1980 – 1981)Hamburger KunsthalleHamburg1980cat. 297
Goya. 250 AniversarioMuseo Nacional del PradoMadrid1996consultant editor Juan J. Luna. From March 29th to June 2nd 1996cat. 145
Goya en tiempos de guerraMuseo Nacional del PradoMadrid2008consultant editor Manuela B. Mena Marqués, from April 14th to July 13th 2008cat. 125
Goya: The PortraitsLondon2015cat. 58
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L'œuvre peint de Goya. 4 volsBibliography']['numberParís1928-1950p. 193, cat. 480
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 297, cat. 1540
BarcelonaPolígrafa1970vol. I, p. 361, cat. 632
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LondonNational Gallery Company2015pp. 177-178
www.museodelprado.es, consultada el 16-04-2010Bibliography']['number16-04-2010