- Cronología
- Ca. 1824 - 1825
- Dimensiones
- 270 x 210 mm
- Técnica y soporte
- Piedra litográfica, lápiz, rascador y aguatinta litográfica, tinta negra, papel avitel
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 18 Feb 2011 / 17 Apr 2023
- Inventario
- 225
Goya (bottom, left-hand side)
See The Old Spinner and The mourning.
There is evidence of this print in various collections: Library of the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation, acquired by D. José Lázaro from the heirs of Rosario Weiss before 1918; Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, from the Lefort collection and formerly held by Eugène Delacroix; Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut (USA), acquired with a sketchbook by the French draughtsman Nicolas T. Charlet, unveiled in 1957.
His collaboration with the printmaker Cipriano Gaulon must have been so close that it reached the point of friendship, which explains the depth and feeling of this portrait, which shows the lithographer bust-length, with his face slightly turned, broad chin and lively gaze turned to the viewer's left. It is a typical bourgeois portrait from the first third of the 19th century, in which the sitter has his hair combed over his forehead and wears a knotted cravat, a light-coloured fancy waistcoat and a frock coat with large lapels. Uniform grey background achieved by means of lithographic aquatint.
Grabados y dibujos de Goya en la Biblioteca NacionalBiblioteca NacionalMadrid1946catalogue Elena Páez Ríos
Goya: zeichnungen, radierungen, lithographienInternational TageIngelheim1966exhibition displayed from May 7th to June 5 th 1966
The changing image: prints by Francisco de GoyaMuseum of Fine Arts1974From October to December 1974. Exhibited also at The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, January to March 1975
Goya en la Biblioteca Nacional. Exposición de grabados y dibujos en el sesquicentenario de su muerteBiblioteca NacionalMadrid1978May - June 1978
Goya (1746-1828). Peintures-Dessins-GravuresCentre Cultural du MaraisParís1979consultant editors Jacqueline et Maurice Guillard
Grabados de Goya: colección propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional, que se conserva en su Gabinete deCasa de la Amistad de MoscúMoscow1979exhibition displayed from January 18th to 31st 1979
Goya: Zeichnungen und DruckgraphikStädtische Galerie im Städelschen KunstintitutFrankfurt1981from February 13th to April 5th 1981
La litografía en Burdeos en la época de GoyaAyuntamiento de ZaragozaZaragoza1983organized by Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza. On January 1983. Celebrated also in Bordeaux, on May 1983.
Origen de la litografía en España. El real establecimiento litográficoMuseo Casa de la MonedaMadrid1991From 31 October to 15 December 1991.
Ydioma universal: Goya en la Biblioteca NacionalBiblioteca NacionalMadrid1996from September 19th to December 15th 1996
Goya grabadorMuseo del Grabado Español ContemporáneoMarbella1996from March 8th to May 5th 1996
Francisco Goya. Sein leben im spiegel der graphik. Fuendetodos 1746-1828 Bordeaux. 1746-1996Galerie KornfeldBern1996from November 21st 1996 to January 1997
Goya: The PortraitsLondon2015cat. 69
Goya: Order and disorderMuseum of Fine ArtsBoston2014cat. 128
Goya engravings and lithographs, vol. I y II.Bibliography']['numberOxfordBruno Cassirer1964p. 424, cat. 282
Vie et ouvre de Francisco de GoyaBibliography']['numberParísOffice du livre1970p. 363, cat. 1703
Origen de la litografía en España. El real establecimiento litográficoBibliography']['numberMadridFabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre1990p. 363, cat. 38
Catálogo de las estampas de Goya en la Biblioteca NacionalBibliography']['numberMadridMinisterio de Educación y Cultura, Biblioteca Nacional1996p. 271, cat.10
Goya. Estampas. Grabado y litografíaBibliography']['numberBarcelonaElecta ediciones2007
Goya: Order & DisorderBibliography']['numberBostonMuseum of Fine Arts Boston Publications2014p. 205
LondonNational Gallery Company2015pp. 202-203