- Cronología
- 1777
- Ubicación
- The Prado National Museum. Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Dimensiones
- 275 x 190 cm
- Técnica y soporte
- Oil on canvas
- Reconocimiento de la autoría de Goya
- Documented work
- Titular
- El Prado National Museum
- Ficha: realización/revisión
- 18 Nov 2009 / 14 Jun 2023
- Inventario
- (P00771)
- Otros títulos:
A Walk through Andalucía (El paseo de Andalucía)
The scene features a long vertical composition and takes place on the roads of Andalucía, it being possible to identify this setting thanks to the description made by Goya himself and by the attire of the figures, of such interest to the enlightened liberals of the time.
The theme of the work is jealousy. One of the masked men gets ready to fight the seated man who has made a flirtatious remark towards the gypsy girl, whilst she insists that the pair continue on their way. The theme appears to be taken from one of the comical plays or songs of the period, made popular by Ramón de la Cruz.
Alternative interpretations of this cartoon have also been recorded, however. In the 19th century, the gypsy girl was identified as the Duchess of Alba and the men provoking the tense scene as the toreros Costillares and Pepe Hillo, although it was proved that such a reading would have been impossible due to the young ages of these real-life figures at the time the painting was made.
The last interpretation was made by Tomlinson, who identified the scene as a representation of envy, in line with the moralistic tone of this series of cartoons and its relationship with the seven deadly sins.
Some tones have been darkened by the ferruginous preparation used in the ground.
Les chefs-d’œuvre du Musée du PradoMusée d’Art et d’HistoireGeneva1939consultant editors Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor y Pedro Muguruza Otaño. From June to September 1939cat. 63
GoyaKoninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen MauritshuisThe Hauge1970organized by Ministerio de Estado y Asuntos Culturales and Réunion des Musées Nationaux, July 4th to September 13th 1970. Exhibited also at the Musée de l’Orangerie des Tuileries, Paris, October 25th to December 7th 1970, consultant editors Jeannine Baticle and A. B. de Vriescat. 2
GoyaPalacio de PedralbesBarcelona1977from April 12th to June 30th 1977cat. 2
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Francisco de Goya: Maleri, Tegning, GrafikkNasjonalgallerietOslo1996from 10th to April 14th 1996cat. 2
Goya luces y sombrasCaixaForumBarcelona2012consultant editors José Manuel Matilla and Manuela B. Marqués. From March 16th to June 24th 2012cat. 5
Goya et la modernitéPinacothèque de ParisParís2013from October 11st 2013 to March 16th 2014cat. 14
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L’opera pittorica completa di GoyaBibliography']['numberMilanRizzoli1974pp. 94-95, cat. 73
Francisco de Goya, 4 vols.Bibliography']['numberZaragozaCaja de Ahorros de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja1980-1982vol. I, p. 87
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Salas del Palacio Real de El Pardo para las que se tejieron tapices sobre cartones de Francisco de Goya: identificación de las habitaciones y ajuste de las obras de Goya en los alzados de las paredesin HERRERO CARRETERO, Concha (curator, Tapices y cartones de Goya (catalogue of the exhibition organizated at the Palacio Real de Madrid, from may to june 1996)Bibliography']['numberMadridPatrimonio Nacional, Goya 96, Lunwerg1996p. 166 (il.)